X-Cellerate Surface Treatment System

Introducing the X-Cellerate Surface Treatment System, the plasma treatment machinery that places the surface treatment capabilities once thought possible only in a microplate factory, right on your very own lab bench.

The X-Cellerate STS is designed for organizations working with adherent cells.  IonField customers report cell growth up to twice as fast compared with untreated plates when the treated plate is used within two weeks of treatment.

Adherent cells adhere better and grow faster on plasma-treated polymer or glass surfaces due to increased surface energy and wettability, which enhance cell attachment. Plasma treatment introduces functional groups and alters surface topography, creating more binding sites and mimicking the extracellular matrix. This improves protein adsorption, reduces hydrophobicity, and promotes cellular signaling pathways essential for growth and proliferation. These combined effects create a more favorable environment for cell adhesion and faster growth.

Overall, plasma treatment modifies polymer surfaces in ways that make them more favorable for cell attachment and growth. These modifications include changes in surface energy, chemistry, topography, and protein adsorption, all of which contribute to the enhanced adhesion and proliferation of adherent cells.

Check out the slider below for more detailed explanation of the benefits of plasma treatment along with references to peer-reviewed studies related to the topic. 

Improved Wettability

Plasma-treated surfaces become more hydrophilic, improving wettability. This results in better spreading of cell culture media and more uniform distribution of nutrients, which supports cell attachment and growth.

Increased Surface Energy

Plasma treatment increases the surface energy of the polymer. Higher surface energy enhances the material’s ability to interact with cell membranes, promoting stronger adhesion.

Introduction of Functional Groups

 Plasma treatment introduces various functional groups (e.g., hydroxyl, carboxyl, and amino groups) onto the polymer surface. These groups can form chemical bonds with cell membrane proteins and extracellular matrix molecules, strengthening cell adhesion.

Reduction of Surface Contaminants

Plasma treatment can remove organic contaminants and other residues from the polymer surface, creating a cleaner and more conducive environment for cell attachment.

Increased Protein Binding Sites

The introduction of polar functional groups increases the number of binding sites for proteins in the cell culture media. Adsorbed proteins act as a bridge between the polymer surface and the cells, facilitating adhesion.

Enhanced Cell Signaling

The improved adhesion and interaction with the modified polymer surface can enhance cellular signaling pathways involved in growth and differentiation. This leads to faster cell proliferation and better overall growth.


More Reading

Improved cell adhesion to flat and porous plasma-treated poly-ε-caprolactone samples: https://doi.org/10.1016/J.SURFCOAT.2013.06.001

Cell adhesion and growth on polymer surfaces with hydroxyl groups prepared by water vapor plasma treatment: https://doi.org/10.1016/0142-9612(91)90140-6

Plasma treated polyethylene grafted with adhesive molecules for enhanced adhesion and growth of fibroblasts: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2012.12.003

Plasma-treated polystyrene surfaces: model surfaces for studying cell-biomaterial interactions: https://doi.org/10.1016/J.BIOMATERIALS.2003.08.071